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God Always Was In Control

Have you ever wondered if your life mattered? I have. Why would anyone want to read the story of my life? I’m not perfect. How can the story of my life make any difference in someone else’s life? I can’t answer that question for you as an individual because I don’t know what you have gone through. I don’t know the words to say that would open up your heart. I know this: God told me to write my story through His still, small voice, and who am I to question Him? Like anyone else, my story comprises an accumulation of day-to-day experiences. God Always Was in Control is the third in a series of books that contains a collection of some of those experiences in my life and the lives of my husband and children, giving a more detailed version of my life’s journey. It begins with a short introduction to my parents, parts of my childhood, and experiences in my married life, including the births of our children and other memorable events. My husband’s story is also contained in the chapters about his parents, his history, and his conversion to Christ’s church. Looking back, I can see that God was trying to gain access to my heart all along. He planted a desire deep within me at a young age to have a Christ-centered home. This desire was not fulfilled during the young, informative years of my youth when I was under the tutelage of my parents. But God gave me another chance by giving me a family of my own. Ignorance, inexperience, and a wounded heart interfered with the process. And it is a process that is continuing to this day. I serve a God who is trustworthy, faithful, and long-suffering. I put my faith in Him. He deals with us on an individual personal level as much as we will allow and completes what He begins. Will my story touch your heart? Will something in my life resonate with you? Will the experiences I have had help guide you on life’s journey? I guess you won’t know until you read it.

Publication Date: May 19, 2022

Language: English

ISBN: 9781387948659

Category: Biographies & Memoirs

All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License

Price:  $32.54 USD

Pages:  394

Binding:  Paperback

Interior Color:  Color

Dimensions:  Digest (5.5 x 8.5 in / 140 x 216 mm)

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